Here are some unique gifts for your parents…

Parents can quickly lose sight of items that might help their lives run more smoothly when balancing work and family responsibilities. Regular food delivery or a creative cleaning product may be appreciated by a new parent. Veteran parents, on the other hand, may seek simple activities to bond with their children, such as family game evenings, or even a chance to unwind at the end of a hard day.
Whether you're looking for the perfect present for a busy mother or an incredible father who could use a little fun, our collection of gifts for parents will come in handy. Personalized wall art, a floral subscription service, and everyone's favourite — matching pyjamas — are among the inexpensive buys. Any of these considerate options are ideal presents Christmas, wedding anniversaries, birthdays, and other important events, and will demonstrate how much you value the deserving parent in your life.
Two or more of in-sync lamps can brighten parents’ lives across town or across the nation. When you switch one on with a single touch of your palm, the other produces the same ambient illumination, regardless of where it is or who is on the other end: Whether it's a parent or grandmother, a niece or nephew, or a long-distance significant other, there's something for everyone. Each individual connects their lamp to the internet and then touches it anytime they want to let their loved one know they're thinking of them. The lamp cycles through a spectrum of colours one by one with each touch. You can also give each of your loved ones a colour, so that when they tap their lamp, yours will light up in that colour.
Self-heating mugs
If your parents are the ones that can't stand the thought of drinking cold coffee then get them this clever mug, which keeps coffee hot while charging. Users may also use an app to configure presets or manage the temperature. Ember is the world’s first temperature control mug. The brand uses technology that has the ability to change the way people live, eat and drink. Founded by Clay Alexander, the mug is completely customizable and has even won several awards for its innovativeness. You can select the optimum sipping temperatures for the beverages of your choice.
Screen Cleaner
A child’s fingerprints are all over the place including your touchscreen device. Here is a simple screen cleaner, which works on nearly any touchscreen, can save parents from a life of unclean electronics. Instead of wasting money on disposable wipes, your parents can use the iRoller that is incredibly easy to use – just roll it over a screen while applying gently pressure and your screen is shiny as new. It is a liquid-free technology and can be used as many times as they wish. To refresh the roller, just wash it in warm water infused with liquid soap.
Do you think you like any of the above? There are some great combo gifts available with us too. Just check our portal for some fantastic options.